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Share; Lab 2, Dakar January 2023, Senegal

The SHARE: Lab 2 programme occurred in Dakar, Senegal, betweenJanuary 10 and 20, 2023. The programme continues the SHARE: My story project workshops aimed at empowering young footballers; in 2023 with the support of the UEFA Foundation for Children. The other two assignments were the launch of the Many Melo clothing design project, which encourages local production of traditional textiles and the launch of the Art and Tourism project, which examines the impact of tourism on communities and promotes sustainable tourism.

The programme was carried out in cooperation with local partnersLa Maison des cultures urbaines de Dakar (MCU) and Centre Formation Professionelle de Ouakam (CFPO).

The final event of SHARE: Lab 2 was the presentation of projects and processes, which took place in the Ouakam socio-cultural centre on Friday,20 January 2023.

We opened it with reflections on the previous labs in Cameroon and Burkina Faso, showed the documentary film about the relationship between tourism and culture, premiered five videos made by the participants of the MyStory football and video art workshop and concluded with a fashion show where participants of Many Melo workshop presented their creations.


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EXODOS Ljubljana is a non-profit, independent production centre. It has been creating ground-breaking (inter)national projects with world-renowned artists as well as promising emerging choreographers and directors since its beginning in the 1990s. 

EXODOS, Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, is one of the longest-running and most important international festivals in the region.

In this millennium, EXODOS Ljubljana is increasingly dedicated to creative cooperation between the EU

and other global territories (Asia, the Middle East and Africa).

EXODOS Ljubljana
Metelkova 6
SI-1000 Ljubljana

© 2021 Zavod Exodos Ljubljana. Photo: Borut Bučinel. Design: Matej Ferlič.

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