SHARE: My Rituals
SHARE: My Rituals - Poster Errenteria 2023
Honey Sparks in the Dark
Fusion with Myself
Alien Express
SLO Dnevnik Parada Plesa
SVET 5 Stjerner Springback
Siol.net Sinova Romane Krajnčan skupaj na odru (10.12.2017)
Paradaplesa.si Plesni dvoživki Gašper Kunšek in Žigan Krajnčan. Prihaja nova in sveža generacija! (24.9.2017)
Radiostudent.si Na poti do luknje (12.9.2017)
Rtvslo.si Chorus: plesni organizem, ki vznika iz praznine (12.9.2017)
Veza.sigledal.org: Chorus (12.9.2017)
Sta.si Na festivalu Spider premiera predstave Chorus Krajnčana, Kunška in Krmelja (12.9.2017)
Vecer.com Čas, da se ples voha (6.9.2017)
Rtvslo.si Izkupiček iz Kulturnega evra plesnemu projektu Chorus (17.5.2017)
Delo.si Izkupiček »obveznega samoprispevka« Kina Šiška projektu Chorus (17.5.2017)
Novice.kulturnik.si Izkupiček iz Kulturnega evra plesnemu projektu Chorus (17.5.2017)
Love Me Tender
Exodos in Burkina Faso, Diary (2.2021)
Gregor Luštek and Žigan Krajnčan with dance performances in Burkina Faso (2.2021)
Artthrob.co.za Before You Arrive We Were Here: Shuma Sopotela's 'Indlulamthi' (3.8.2018)
Businesslive.co.za Working with young children in performance art earns recognition (9.7.2018)
The Hearld Chuma dares to dream (7/5/2018)
Sarafinamagazine.com A Conversation with Chuma Sopotela (27/06/2018)
Rtvslo.si Happy Thirteen for the Front of Contemporary Dance (August 29, 2018)
Paradaplesa.si Dance year 2017. Abundant and successful! (06-01.2018)
Koridor-ku.si Interview: Žigan Kranjčan and Gašper Kunšek (16.12.2017)
Siol.net Sons of Romana Krajnčan together on stage (10.12.2017)
Radiostudent.si On the way to the hole (9/12/2017)
Rtvslo.si Chorus: a dance organism that arises from emptiness (12.9.2017)
Veza.sizamal.org Chorus (12-09-17)
Sta.si Premiere of Chorus Krajnčan, Kunšek and Krmelj at the Spider festival (12.9.2017)
Vecer.com Čas da se ples voha (06-09-17)
Rtvslo.si Proceeds from the Cultural Euro to the dance project Chorus (17.5.2017)
Delo.si Proceeds from the "mandatory self-contribution" of Kino Šiška to the Chorus project (5/17/2017)
Novice.kulturnik.si Proceeds from the Cultural Euro to the dance project Chorus (17.5.2017)
20th Exodos Festival
Dnevnik, Dnevnik.si Ahmed Tobasi: Anyone who is mistreated can become a terrorist (6.5.2017)
Goodlifestyle.si Kri / Brata (23-04-17)
Radiostudent.si Dealer (23.4.2017)
Goodlifestyle.si Radio without frequencies (22.4.2017)
Dnevnik.si Critique of the play Zibka: Nonšalantno zibanje (22-04-17)
Radiostudent.si Čojli (22-04-17)
TV Slovenia - Good morning Radio without frequencies (21.4.2017)
TV Slovenia - Day 8 A Palestinian who exchanged weapons for art at Exodos (April 21, 2017)
TV Slovenia - Echoes Festival Exodos (21.4.2017)
Dnevnik - Oder Kri / Brata (21-04-17)
Radiostudent.si The power of care (21.4.2017)
Evamlinar.com 20. Exodos (20-04-17)
TV Slovenia - Good morning Unexpected angles (20.4.2017)
TV Slovenia - Culture At the jubilee festival Exodos (20.4.2017)
Radiostudent.si Radio without frequencies (20.4.2017)
Radiostudent.si Two spelled, one one kilo spoon without bill please (20.4.2017)
Radio Slovenia 2 Beginning of the Exodos Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts (19.4.2017)
Radio Slovenija 2 The 20th Exodos festival begins (19.4.2017)
Radio Slovenia 1 Exodos Festival will open its doors (19.4.2017)
Radio Slovenia 1 Drevi will start the 20th International Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts Exodos (19.4.2017)
Mladina.si Twenty years of the Exodos festival (19.4.2017)
Radiostudent.si Električno (19-04-17)
Dnevnik.si Interweaving of world cultures (19.4.2017)
TV Slovenia - Culture Jubilee Exodos started with the play Cradle (4/19/2017)
Radiostudent.si In abundance? (19-04-17)
Rtvslo.si Jubilee Exodos looks back on its 20 years (19.4.2017)
Delo, Delo.si Twenty years of Exodus jumping on paved paths (18.4.2017)
Mladina.si Twenty years of the Exodos festival (19.4.2017)
STA 20th Exodos starts in Ljubljana (19.4.2017)
Solski-razgledi.com Exodos - the first 20 years (4/18/2017)
TV Slovenia - Echoes of Exodos in Spanish Fighters (4/18/2017)
TV Slovenia - Culture Exodos - global creation without borders and without prejudices (18-04-17)
Radiostudent.si Gentlemen work: Let's talk about sex (18.4.2017)
Radiostudent.si Culture for eostro: We are talking about sex (18.4.2017)
Prireditve.rtvslo.si 20th Exodos, festival of contemporary performing arts (18.4.2017)
Radio Slovenia 3 Cultural Panorama (15/04/2017)
Radio Slovenia 3 Exodos Performing Arts Festival (15.4.2017)
Paradaplesa.si Twenty years of the Exodos festival. Gregor Luštek with Chinese artists. (13-04-17)
City life Exodos Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts from 19 to 23 April (11.4.2017)
TV Slovenia - Studio City Festival Exodos (4/10/2017)
Dnevnik's lens, Dnevnik.si Jedrt Jež Furlan: You never forget the first one (8.4.2017)
Si21.com The global pulse of contemporary dance in Ljubljana (April 8, 2017)
Delo.si It will start with Zibka - dance floor (6.4.2017)
Citymagazine.si Exodos 2017 - Creating without borders and prejudices (5.4.2017)
Cnvos.info The program of the 20th Exodos festival has been revealed (7.4.2017)
Veza.svidal.org 20. Exodos (06-04-17)
Delo, Delo.si The 20th Exodos is approaching (6.4.2017)
Si21.com Art and culture are tools for connecting the world (28.3.2017)
Veza.slobodal.org Exodos festival celebrates 20 years in April (24.3.2017)
Veza.sizamal.org Let's talk about sex: The beginning of the war (03-11-16)
Dnevnik Critique of the dance performance The Beginning of the War: Soft Multicultural Colonialism (12.11.2016)
Goodlife.si She loves sex, he doesn't talk about it (10.11.2016)
STA Prediction - Slovenia, November 8 (Tuesday) (November 8, 2016)
Radio Študent Žalost Tuesday (November 8, 2016)
Youth The first performance of the international platform 1Space
Govori.se Let's talk about sex: The beginning of the war (19.10.2016)
Si21.com From Palestine with love to South Africa (19.10.2016)
Visit of a Chinese cultural delegation
Work Saturday supplement How would you return Marco Polo to Europe? (23-06-16)
Work China is also for jazz (6/17/2016)
Diary Intercultural exchange with China: what can Slovenians teach Chinese? (14-06-16)
Postojna.si A high Chinese delegation visited Postojna (13.6.2016)
Planet TV Planet today (12-06-16)
Primorske novice Chinese offer a hand, the state has not yet accepted it (June 11, 2016)
RTV Slo Slovenia was visited by distinguished guests from China (10.6.2016)
CORNERS Triangle Ljubljana
Ced-slovenia.eu KULTorek for Culture in Ljubljana (17.6.2016)
Radio Student City Trailer - How to proceed (14.6.2016)
Rtvslo.si Culture at 10 pm - Pilgrimage to Contemporary Art (14.6.2016)
Radio Študent City trailer - Hands over the city (13.6.2016)
Sta.si Weekly trailer - Pilgrimage to contemporary art (13.6.2016)
Radio Študent Mestni napovednik - Ja but ne v kozjega (09-06-16)
Radio Terminal Urbanizator (13-06-16)
Ced-slovenia.eu In Ljubljana CORNERS Triangle until mid-June (10.6.2016)
Ljubljana.si CORNERS Triangle (10-06-16)
Veza.sizamal.org Corners Triangle Ljubljana (03-06-16)
Si21.com Corners Triangle (02-06-16)
European funds
Delo.si Almost 800,000 European euros to Slovenian cultural institutions (17.04.2015)
Exodos dance parade. Modern African stage pulse, artistic color and optimism (30.4.2015)
Radio Študent Chat and Dialogue (24-04-15)
Govori.se Hot African artists impressed (4/20/2015)
Slovenskenovice.si Africa at the Exodos festival (19.4.2015)
Veza.sizamal.org 19. Exodos Africa as is (yet) unknown (19.4.2015)
Reporter.si Introduction to 19th Exodos shows "different" Africa (19.4.2015)
Mojaobcina.si Hey, God! (19-04-15)
Veza.sizamal.org The 19th Exodos Festival starts in Ljubljana today (April 17, 2015)
Kulturnice 19. Exodos (17-04-15)
Mladina.si Africa in Ljubljana (17.4.2015)
Citymagazine 19. Exodos - Future Archives: Focus Africa (March 29, 2015)
Rtvslo.si Africa at the heart of the “bold, courageous and very personal” Exodos (17.4.2015)
Dnevnik.si Jan Goossens, curator of the Exodos festival: The future of the world is a hybrid (April 17, 2015)
Delo.si Jan Goossens: "Homogeneous African art does not exist" (April 17, 2015)
Delo.si Deloskop highlights: Exodos Festival in the sign of Africa (April 16, 2015)
Citymagazine.si Kam ta vikend (4/16/2015)
Radio Kaos Tomorrow begins 19. Exodos (16-04-15)
Si21.com 19. Exodos - Future Archives: Focus Africa (4/16/2015)
Delo.si Focus of Exodos this time on African art (4/16/2015)
Lublana.si A piece of Africa in Ljubljana (4/16/2015)
STA Daring, brave and personal performances at the African-colored Exodos (4/16/2015)
Unicef.si 19th Exodos Festival with a charity note (15.4.2015)
Otroskeprireditve.si 19. Exodos - Ashanta doll and African fair (15.4.2015)
Ljubljana.si 19. Exodos - Future Archives: Focus Africa (14.4.2015)
Prireditve.rtvslo.si 19. Exodos - Future archives: Focus Africa (14.4.2015)
STA Weekly Forecast (4/10/2015)
Primorske.si Why the world is catching up with Africa (7.4.2015)
Svet24.si This time the Exodos Festival will be dedicated to African art (April 5, 2014)
Si21.com 19. Exodos - Future Archives: Focus Africa (April 1, 2015)
Govori.se The stages of the Exodos festival invite (3/30/2015)
Fashion.si Exodos, festival of contemporary performing arts (20.3.2015)
The Slovenia Times Future Archives: An Africa Focus (March 20, 2015)
Govori.se 19th Exodos - Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts (19.3.2015)
Cnvos.info 19. Exodos will discover contemporary African performing arts (18.3.2015)
Where Africa dances like we don't know yet (3/18/2015)
Culture.si 19. Exodos (18-03-15)
CORNERS: start of the production phase
Siol.net New ideas from the edges of Europe after birdhouses and a radio game with Irish prisoners (5.3.2015)
Mladina.si Innovative and happy (20.6.2014)
Slovenskenovice.si Children from the corners of Europe (17.6.2014)
Otroski.rtvslo.si Outside the house inside the art itself (14-06-14)
Delo.si From outside the birdhouse, and inside the art itself (13.6.2014)
Dnevnik.si Connecting European borders (13.6.2014)
Si21.com Today's closing event of the project Kids on Corners (12.6.2014)
Kraljiulice.org Kids on the corners (11.6.2014)
Ljublana.si Children from the corners to the center (11.6.2016)
Otroski.rtvslo.si Let's meet children from the corners (10-06-14)
Veza.svidal.org Kids on the corners, Children from the corners of Europe (June 6, 2014)
Dobranovica.si Children from the corners of Europe (4.6.2014)