An enchanting journey through fragments from the love discourse of the four protagonists: brothers Krajnčan (si) and their life companions Tsarina Marinkova Krajnčan (bo) and Kristyna Šajtošova (cz). Two unusual stories inspired all four to merge in their first joint project, from life situations of getting to know the other, including their greatest loves: to a partner, to dancing and to music. Through both classical and improvised music, both fixed and improvised movement, the concert becomes a stage for two dancing bodies. Encounter, adaptation, longing, magic, sadness, tenderness, memory.
The environmental dance-concert Love me tender is top-notch visual-sound poetry freeing senses and imagination. The dance concert will therefore also take care of the palates. Lots of flavors - one love.
creators & performers: Žigan Krajnčan, Kristyna Šajtošová (both choreography, dance), Kristijan Krajnčan (cello, effects), Tsarina Marinkova Krajnčan (piano)
music: K. Krajnčan, L. van Beethoven, F. Chopin, F. Schubert, C. Debussy, S. Rachmaninoff
light design & photograpgy: Borut Bučinel
dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
production: EXODOS Ljubljana
co-production: Cankarjev dom
supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City of Ljubljana
Premiere: 8 July 2019. Cankarjev dom
Touring 2021-23:
20. 06. 2021, Riga (LV).
22. 07. 2021, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana (SI)
28. 03. 2022, Festival ZRVK, Sarajevo (BA)
02. 06. 2022, Teden sodobnega plesa, Zagreb (HR)
10. 02. 2023, Gledališki cikel Hiše kulture Celje, Celje (SI)
Interviews from Riga: Žigan Krajnčan, Tsarina & Kristjan Krajnčan in Gregor Luštek
Kristijan Krajnčan and Tsarina Marinkova Krajnčan are musicians; he - a composer, drummer, cellist, also a film director and improviser, she - a classically educated pianist. They met while studying in the Netherlands, fell in love, got married nine years later and have a baby girl. Žigan Krajnčan is a dancer and choreographer, Kristyna Šajtošová as well; they met in the summer of 2016 at a dance workshop in China.