“Our chorus is silent. There are far too many events and concepts to address. Chorus distances himself from the human world here, re-entering pre-tragic form to touch something that is not communicative. And to address something that is most clearly addressed by the word »absence«.
The dance is always located in between - in some community context. It has no position of its own; it is a gift we receive without acceptance, a gift we give without giving. We can only exist together in between, in empty spaces, black holes, our constant misunderstandings that establish reality. We can only be one through the difference. "
Movement connects our bodies, so dance is the most basic political gesture, but at the same time it escapes politics. However, it is not about the body. It's about absence.
choreography & direction: Žigan Krajnčan, Gašper Kunšek, Jan Krmelj
movement principles: Žigan Krajnčan & Gašper Kunšek
concept: Jan Krmelj (DivinaMimesis), Kristijan Krajnčan
performers & co-creators: Sara Janašković, Teja Modrijan, Kristýna Šajtošová, Alex Tesch, Gregor Luštek, Kaja Lorenci, Ivan Mijačević, Branko Potočan, Nejc Osovnikar, Bor in Andraž Prokofijev, Borut Bučinel, Kristijan Krajnčan, Gašper Kunšek, Žigan Krajnčan
composer & live music: Kristijan Krajnčan
light design: Borut Bučinel
audio engineer: Jure Vlahovič
production: CUK Kino Šiška (in the frame of Cultural Euro 2016)
(post)production: EXODOS Ljubljana
Premiere: 12 September 2017. CUK Kino Šiška
Touring 2019–22:
Maribor Theatre Festival, Maribor (SI);
Gibanica/Movingcake, Ljubljana (SI);
Théâtre de la Ville, Paris (FR);
26. 06. Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige, Bolzano (IT)
25. 08. 2022, Kulturschiene, Salzburg (AT)
by Borut Bučinel
by Borut Bučinel
Siol.net Sinova Romane Krajnčan skupaj na odru (10.12.2017)
Paradaplesa.si Plesni dvoživki Gašper Kunšek in Žigan Krajnčan. Prihaja nova in sveža generacija! (24.9.2017)
Radiostudent.si Na poti do luknje (12.9.2017)
Rtvslo.si Chorus: plesni organizem, ki vznika iz praznine (12.9.2017)
Veza.sigledal.org Chorus (12.9.2017)
Sta.si Na festivalu Spider premiera predstave Chorus Krajnčana, Kunška in Krmelja (12.9.2017)
Vecer.com Čas, da se ples voha (6.9.2017)
Rtvslo.si Izkupiček iz Kulturnega evra plesnemu projektu Chorus (17.5.2017)
Delo.si Izkupiček »obveznega samoprispevka« Kina Šiška projektu Chorus (17.5.2017)
Novice.kulturnik.si Izkupiček iz Kulturnega evra plesnemu projektu Chorus (17.5.2017)